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Membership  Request

What is our fiscal year? Membership starts July 1st and ends June 30th.

Annual membership per Household:  $1200.00  

Associate membership per Household: $600.00
For those with full membership at another synagogue.                              *
Associate membership doesn’t include seats for the Yomim Noraim.

Can I pay my dues in installments? 
Members can pay in monthly, quarterly or other installments. Payment plans can be set up through thhe OHT website (by logging in to your Shul Cloud account), or by contacting the OHT office. 

Seat prices for Yomim Noraim:

Member families out of town family rate: 
50.00 Rosh Hashannah
50.00 - Yom Kippur

Associate member:
100.00 Rosh Hashannah 
100.00 Yom Kippur

Non members:
225.00 Rosh Hashannah
225.00 Yom Kippur

It is the policy of Ohr HaTorah that no one be denied membership for financial reasons. If you can not afford full dues please contact Tzvi Tuch at 

Become a Member of Ohr HaTorah

To join and become a member of Ohr HaTorah, please fill out the form below and someone will be in touch.


Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785